Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Rabbit

Recently, I have bought a pet rabbit.

Her name is Lillie (because when I wrote the name 'Lily" - it looked common and I am all about being unique) she is orange and has long floppy ears and she is, well, beautiful!

I bought her to be my cuddling buddy for when I take the big step and leave the nest.

There are bound to be nights when its cold, windy and raining outside, and my lovely soon to be housemates are away and I am alone and well, lonely.

This is where Lillie comes in. She has a special way of making your heart melt. She really is good company.

Over these past few days, I have been watching her, just seeing what it is that she does and it seems that her little life consists of the following:
  1. Eating
  2. Frolicking in grassy meadows and
  3. Being cuddled.
She seriously doesn't have a single care or worry in the world.

This may be because she is just an animal, but I couldn't help but envy how simple and lovely it must be to live your own little happy life and ONLY have people around you who love you and want to make your life a better and happier place.

I couldn't help but envy how everyone around Lillie just wanted to cuddle her and make her feel special and worth something.

This may seem slightly crazy to some, but through the recent happenings of the past few months of my life, I have longed to have the life of my rabbit.

It's not a good feeling to know that people percieve you to be a person who has a horrible character. To have people believe that your character is ugly.

It's really not fun to be striving towards living a life of love and grace and to be told that really, you're a fake and one giant act. I know that this isn't truth, but to know that some people actually do think that about you, is actually quite depressing.

A rabbit is never made to seel like her life of peacefulness is a fraud.

I want people to know that my life isn't either. I want them to know that I am living a life in step with the Lord - I want more than anything, for my life to reflect His love for us.

Lately, I have been trying to work out what my purpose is.

I have all these people around me who know what God wants to do with their lives. They know the area in which they are meant to be serving in.

I have searched high and low for where I fit in this picture, but never have really found my place.

I was sitting talking with my beautiful mother about how it seems like I continually have friends in my life that have the exact same personal struggles. How these people almost seem to FIND me and lay their issues on me and then have a problem with my advice - and then it clicked.

Maybe God is using these people, their situations and their hostility to grow and mould me into a person that can truly be there for the hurting and the lost and the confused and the seriously misguided.

This thought is just in its early stages, but to me it makes sense and it's something that I want to explore a litte more.

So to bring this all back to my lovely pet bunny.

Although she has a simple life where she is continually loved and always thought about, she is loved because she FIRST showed that she loved me.

I wouldn't want to sit there and cuddle with her, if she had not first snuggled right up into me. In fact, I would have left her there in the pet shop.

Maybe, you can't have a life where you are loved, cared about and respected unless first, you show these qualities in your own life.

I mean really, who wants to have a hostile pet rabbit.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You write beautifully... I can't wait to read more!

    Things have been crazy for you, huh! It's definitely hard when you come up against something difficult, & you try to stand firm for what is right, but in the process, you end up having things thrown at you that can easily cut you down & discourage you.

    Don't be discouraged though :) Anyone who knows you even slightly knows your character, & that you are an amazing women & an incredible loyal friend.

    All this has a purpose. Even with all the heartbreaking, sucky stuff that happened in my life this year... could have easily knocked me down. But when you decide to not play a victim, & use it to strengthen & better you for next time.. that's powerful & it's inspiring for others.

    Think of it as training ;) As much as it sucks! I think your mother is right. You have an incredible heart for others, perhaps this is a grace-growing experience (I hate those)!

    Nothing is wasted. Everything we ever come up against that hurts & creates a mess... it can be used powerfully when we accept it as a part of God's plan & desire to see Him glorified through all of it. Somethings will take longer than others... but I know that this will happen in this siutation also :)

    You are incredible, keep writing xx

  3. Thanks so much Nell, what amazing words of encouragement =)

    I think you are right - this is a grace-growing phase of my life and even though I hate it, I think I am ok with it. You are very right, all of these things have purpose.

    I can't wait to discover what the purpose of all of this is!


  4. I love your honesty. I dont know you, but enjoy your posts.. hope you don't mind me dropping by every now and then :)
